Ugello per amplificazione dell'aria Serie TAIFUJet (di tipo compressore, di tipo piatto, Resina)

Ugello per amplificazione dell'aria Serie TAIFUJet (di tipo compressore, di tipo piatto, Resina)
  • Sconto volumi elevati
A unique flat design for a more even injection of air. Made from PPS with excellent heat and chemical resistance.
A low-noise product for use in work environments.

· TAIFUJet series products have a novel structure that traps the surrounding air and then powerfully blows the amplified air. · A unique design with an even and strong injection force, and with excellent low-noise and straight injection performance.
· Energy saving (volume of amplified air) and with a powerful impact performance: TAIFUJet features a unique design that traps and amplifies the surrounding air. Powerful air injection, even with low air consumption.
· Low-noise design: TAIFUJet, in addition to featuring a work environment-friendly and low-noise design, is available in flat and round types to fit the application.
· Evenness: TAIFUJet features a unique design that injects air more evenly. By phasing the top and bottom injection ports and air suction holes, an even spray across the entire spray width can be obtained. Attenuation of the impact force as distance increases is small, allowing for the air blower to operate more efficiently.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
RoHSVite di montaggio nominale Larghezza iniezione

25.25 €

1 Disponibile Stesso giorno



16.14 €

1 Disponibile Stesso giorno



86.77 €

1 Disponibile 5 giorni 10R3/8121


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Forma iniezione Dritto Fonte di aria Compressore Materiale PPS (solfuro di polifenilene)
Angolo di montaggio Testa piatta A soffio d'aria Amplificazione Tipo Ugello dell'aria
Liquido applicabile Aria, aria compressa Gamma di pressioni d'esercizio(MPa) ::0.7 Termoresistenza(°C) 120

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