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Set chiavi a brugola tipo L testa a sfera sul lato corto BLB900S

Codice componente:


    Elenco numeri di parte

    Numero di articoli
    Codice componente
    Quantità minima d'ordine
    1 pezzi
    Prezzo unitario (IVA esclusa)(Prezzo unitario IVA inclusa)
    Giorni spedizione standard
    117.44 €
    ( 139.75 € )
    5 giorni lavorativi

    Ulteriori informazioni

    Informazioni di base

    Hexagonal bar wrench set ideal for tightening/loosening inch-sized hexagonal socket bolts, etc., in spaces where there are height restrictions.
    · Minimized neck length L-shaped long type.
    · 9-piece set.
    · The ball point finish enables quick turning and temporary tightening from a diagonal position.
    · Uses a special alloy to enhance torque, durability, and abrasion resistance.
    · High-level heat treatment/hard chrome plating treatment.
    · Ideal for maintenance and assembly of devices using imperial-size bolts, such as vehicles from outside Japan, motorcycles, and other imported machinery.

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