
Cancella tutto

  • Tipo
  • Misura
  • Parete spessa
  • Tensione di ingresso
  • Uscita sensore
  • Proprietà
    • Flusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 50Hz)(m3/min)
    • Flusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 60Hz)(m3/min)
    • Produttore

    Ventole (Proprietà: Standard (uso generico))

      • Ventola assiale CA, R87F / R87T
        • Sconto volumi elevati


        Ventola assiale CA, R87F / R87T

        [Features]· Axial fan that achieves optimum cooling with a wide variety of options.· Designed for low noise, long life, and weather resistance.· Highly reliable ball bearings are used as bearings.· Product assortment includes plastic wing specification 44 and metal wing specification 28 series.· Product assortment includes the water-resistant AC axial fan-shaped R87T-AA15H-WR (protective structure IPX7).▪ Conforms to CE standards, and certified under UL standards and CSA standards.
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        TipoMisuraParete spessaTensione di ingressoUscita sensoreProprietàStandard rappresentativoFlusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 50Hz)(m3/min)Flusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 60Hz)(m3/min)
        Ventola CA80x80 / 92x92 / 120X120 / Altro25mm / 38mm / 40 mm o superiore100 V AC / 200 V AC / AltroN/AStandard (uso generico)PSE / CE / UL / CSA0.4 ~ 50.5 ~ 5.8
        Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
        35.71 €
        Spedizione prevista in:
        6 giorni lavorativi
        Configura ora
      • Ventola box fan, R87B
        • Sconto volumi elevati


        Ventola box fan, R87B

        [Features]· Simple "single action" mount axial flow fan unit.▪ Wide array of options, including single, double, and triple fans.· Since the mounting hole is square, and the hole machining surface is hidden, machining can be easily.· Equipped with accessories with selectable up/down orientation (useful in narrow spaces) for opening and shutting the cover (finger guard, filters, plug cord, mounting screws).· Replacement filters and attachments for intake and exhaust ports are available as options.· A complete lineup of single, double, and triple fans, with 8 plastic wing and 8 metal wing models.
        Leggi altro
        TipoMisuraParete spessaTensione di ingressoUscita sensoreProprietàStandard rappresentativoFlusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 50Hz)(m3/min)Flusso d’aria max. (tensione di ingresso CA, a 60Hz)(m3/min)
        Ventola CAAltroAltro100 V AC / 200 V ACN/AStandard (uso generico)-1.3 ~ 2.61.5 ~ 3
        Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
        84.09 €
        Spedizione prevista in:
        6 giorni lavorativi
        Configura ora