
Cancella tutto

  • Blade diameter (D)(φ)
  • Blade length (ℓ)(mm)
  • work material
  • Blade shape type
  • Number of flutes(sheet)
  • Tool Material Type
  • Produttore

Frese a elica alta (HSS) (work material: Titanio)

    • SSM Estech Muscle, a 3 tagli, tipo standard, con rivestimento S

        SANKO MFG

        SSM Estech Muscle, a 3 tagli, tipo standard, con rivestimento S

        [Features]· A high-helical type 3-flute end mill made of high grade powder metallurgy HSS with S-coating.· With a unique roughing blade shape, a wide range of machining from heavy duty cutting to finishing machining is possible
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        Blade diameter (D)(φ)Blade length (ℓ)(mm)work materialBlade shape typeNumber of flutes(sheet)Tool Material TypeMachining ApplicationShank diameter (d)(mm)Coating
        925Titanio[○]Tipo quadrato3Acciaio rapido sinterizzatoTipo piano / Laterale / Scanalatura / Tagli inclinati12TiCN
        Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
        91.43 €
        Spedizione prevista in:
        6 giorni lavorativi
        Configura ora
      • HiVA, elica alta, HSS sinterizzato

          SANKO MFG

          HiVA, elica alta, HSS sinterizzato

          [Features]· Powder HSS is adopted.· A high helical type end mill.
          Leggi altro
          Blade diameter (D)(φ)Blade length (ℓ)(mm)work materialBlade shape typeNumber of flutes(sheet)Tool Material TypeMachining ApplicationShank diameter (d)(mm)Coating
          8 ~ 3220 ~ 60Titanio[○]Tipo quadrato3 ~ 4Acciaio rapido sinterizzatoTipo piano / Laterale / Scanalatura / Tagli inclinati10 ~ 32Senza rivestimento
          Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
          50.08 €
          Spedizione prevista in:
          8 giorni lavorativi
          Configura ora