
Cancella tutto

  • Product Category
  • Applicable Manufacturing Machinery (main unit)
  • Spindle types
  • Tool Type
  • Retainable blade diameter(mm)
  • Holder Length L(mm)

Mandrini di foratura (Holder Length L: 86.1~97.1)

    • Mandrino di foratura per NC


        Mandrino di foratura per NC

        [Features]· Since the shank body and keyless drill chuck are integrated, there are no concerns about falling out.· Supports a heavy duty fastening wrench for safe human-free operation without the drill coming out.· Has 3 times higher tightening force compared to conventional products, ideal for carbide drills too.
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        Product CategoryApplicable Manufacturing Machinery (main unit)Spindle typesHSK typeTool TypeRetainable blade diameter(mm)Chuck TypeHolder Length L(mm)Coolant System
        Corpo principaleCentri di lavorazioneBT40-Trapano1 to 13-86.1~97.1-
        Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
        337.82 €
        Spedizione prevista in:
        6 giorni lavorativi
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