
Cancella tutto

  • Filettatura nominale M
    • Profilo
    • Materiale
    • Trattamento superficie
    • Produttore

    Dadi per cuscinetti (Filettatura nominale M: M135X2.0)

      • Dado a U filettatura fine
        • Sconto volumi elevati


        Dado a U filettatura fine

        The friction ring is crimped and integrated with the nut, same as on the U Nut. [Features]· Lock nut for bearing.· The spring action of the friction ring creates friction on the male screw to cause a locking effect.· Can be fixed in an intermediate position.· Since it is all metal, it has excellent heat resistance.· No key groove processing on the shaft side. [Shape] Round[Material] SS400 equivalent / S45C equivalent / SUS304 equivalent[Screw type] Metric coarse[Nominal designation] M10 × 0.75 to M150 × 2.0[Type]Lock nut
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        TipoFilettatura nominale MProfiloMaterialeTrattamento superficieA vite
        ControdadiM135X2.0Profilo rotondoAcciaioSenza trattamento superficieFilettatura metrica (grossa)
        Prezzo normale (IVA esclusa):
        489.01 €
        Spedizione prevista in:
        6 giorni lavorativi
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