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    Quick release knurled nuts, Steel

    Codice componente:


    Informazioni sul prodotto

    GN 6303.1 / Quick Release Knurled Nuts


    Quick release knurled nuts GN 6303.1 are used in such applications where the nut has to be completely removed after the releasing operation and refitted rapidly for re-clamping.
    The nut is tilted over the threaded spindle. When in position, the nut is brought into a straight position for meshing of the two threads on nut and spindle. The nut will then have to be turned only by a fraction of a rotation to achieve clamping.
    Functional safety exists only if the clamping surface lies at a right angle to the threaded bolt.

    see also...
    • Quick release star knobs GN 6336.3

    How to Order

    How to order


    • Steel
       - Tensile strength class 5 (500 N/mm²)
       - Blackened
    • RoHS compliant


    M 520145.3128
    M 624166.71410
    M 830208.71712
    M 103628112014
    M 124032132416

    Elenco numeri di parte

    Numero di articoli
    Codice componente

    Thread d1

    Quantità minima d'ordine
    1 pezzi
    Prezzo unitario (IVA esclusa)(Prezzo unitario IVA inclusa)
    Giorni spedizione standard
    20.00 €
    ( 23.80 € )
    Articolo a stock - 1 giorno lavorativoDisponibile per la spedizione lo stesso giorno

    Ulteriori informazioni

    Informazioni di base

    Quick release knurled nuts GN 6303.1 are used in such applications where the nut has to be completely removed after the releasing operation and re-fitted rapidly for re-clamping.
    The nut is tilted over the threaded spindle. When in position, the nut is brought into a straight position for meshing of the two threads on nut and spindle. The nut will then have to be turned only by a fraction of a rotation to achieve clamping.
    Functional safety exists only if the clamping surface lies at a right angle to the threaded bolt.

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