Martello in rame

Martello in rame

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Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Head (diameter)
Head (length)
Overall Length
Details Type Nominal JAN Code Trusco Code Mass

82.84 €

1 6 giorni 2898330Round11/2 lb.4560117670153123-6059650The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is round.

90.36 €

1 Disponibile 6 giorni 32107360Round2 lb.4560117670207123-6067900The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is round.

88.54 €

1 6 giorni 36117390Round3 lb.4560117670306123-60751300The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is round.

155.03 €

1 6 giorni 45145450Square shape5 lb.4560117670504123-60912200The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is square.

257.22 €

1 6 giorni 60150900Square shape8 lb4560117670801123-61133600The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is square.

316.43 €

1 6 giorni 62158900Square shape10 lb.4560117671006123-61214500The head is 99.99% acid-free copper cast iron forged and the wood handle is all domestic, high-grade oak, making this a tough, long-lasting copper hammer. The shape of the head is square.


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Informazioni di base

Product Type Martello in rame Head material Ottone Handle material Quercia

Supporto tecnico