Ruota girevole Modello con bullone e blocco Bullone: Acciaio inossidabile Ruote: Nylon

Ruota girevole Modello con bullone e blocco Bullone: Acciaio inossidabile Ruote: Nylon
  • Sconto volumi elevati
· Caspad is a "new generation caster" that fuses the functions of a conventional caster and adjuster.
· Employs a simple disassembly structure that is environmentally-friendly and makes effective use of resources.
· The caster part employs a dual wheel structure that achieves stability during traveling, and the adjuster part has a flexible structure to enable installation on slightly sloped surfaces (of approx. 0° to 5°).
· Furthermore, a higher level of seismic resistance can be secured and important equipment can be safely protected for customers that desire an even more secure installation by using optional seismic plates, rubber seats, and double-sided adhesive cushion sheets.
· Compact and free.
· Cumbersome mounting of adjusters can be omitted with caspad.
· Furthermore, at the time of installation, the caster main body is free to swivel, and fixing can be done in any direction.
· Safe.
· Caspad has excellent seismic resistance, is safe, and can secure a high level of installability.
· In addition, seismic resistance and safety can be further improved by using optional parts.
· Ecological.
· Caspad employs a simple disassembly structure and can be easily disassembled.
· A caster that makes effective use of resources and is also convenient.
· Made from nylon that features excellent shock resistance, oil resistance, and chemical resistance

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Altezza di montaggio H
Gamma carico ammesso [in base al carico ammesso su catalogo×9.8÷10]
Carico ammesso [in base al carico ammesso su catalogo×9.8÷10]
Diametro vite M1 Diam. rotella D
Larghezza rotella B
Raggio di rotazione E
Piede di livellamento

24.01 €

1 Disponibile Stesso giorno



35.82 €

1 5 giorni 9680.01~140.00117.6M16758535Disponibile

18.04 €

1 9 giorni 6735.01~80.0058.8-507030NA

25.52 €

1 5 giorni 9680.01~140.00117.6-758535NA


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo ruota A vite Finecorsa NA Materiale bozzello Nylon
Caratteristiche rotella NA Materiale raccordo Acciaio inox (EN 1.4301 Equiv.) Applicazione Semplificazione della logistica, carrello a mano
Colore Bianco

Supporto tecnico