ESLON, raccordo Eslo-Coat LX, flangia (5KF / 10KF) (Codici componente - Download CAD)

ESLON, raccordo Eslo-Coat LX, flangia (5KF / 10KF)
  • Sconto volumi elevati
The core adheres to the inner side of the lining steel pipe, so permeation of water onto the metal surface is effectively blocked, and corrosion of the tube end portion, the fitting body, etc. is prevented.

· The ESLON Eslo-Coat LX joint is an anti-corrosion joint with built-in core where the "core" tightly adheres to the inner surface of the lined steel pipe, effectively preventing water from entering into the metal surface of the joint.
· The fitting interior is entirely coated with resin.
· Core prevents pipe-end corrosion and is integrated with a protective layer to significantly improve resistance to corrosion.
· Integrated core is suitable for pipe juncture and pipe end anticorrosion protection.
· Uses hard vinyl chloride or denatured polyphenylene ethyl that has been confirmed hygienic for water service use.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Filettatura nominale M1 Con flangia

23.87 €

1 8 giorni 1B(25A)5KF

27.19 €

1 8 giorni 1B(25A)10KF


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo Attacco Tipo di collegamento Flangia Profilo attacco Flangia
Materiale Ghisa malleabile Filettatura di collegamento tipo M1 Rc Liquido applicabile Acqua
Trattamento superficie Vernice Rivestimento interno in resina Disponibile

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