KQ2W, raccordo istantaneo colore bianco - D’estremità a gomito prolungato (Codici componente - Download CAD)

KQ2W, raccordo istantaneo colore bianco - D’estremità a gomito prolungato
  • In Offerta
A one-touch fitting by SMC.
· Improved tube insertion/removal.
· Compact and light weight.
· Typically used together with a male elbow. However, where it differs is that it is used to prevent interference between fittings by allowing for multi-level piping.


  • See the catalog for details on materials and specifications.
  • Product images may be representative images. Refer to the catalog for details.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Extended Male Elbow KQ2W (Gasket Seal) Specifications

Extended Male Elbow KQ2W (Gasket Seal): related images

Extended Male Elbow KQ2W (Gasket Seal) external appearance

Extended Male Elbow KQ2W (Gasket Seal): related images

Extended Male Elbow KQ2W (Gasket Seal) dimensional outline drawing

Connection thread: UNF

Applicable tube outer diameter (inches) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Release Button Dimensions øD2L1L2A M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
X Y Nylon Urethane
ø1/8 10-32 UNF KQ2W01-32□1 7 7.1 6.7 9.5 7 15.3 25.8 26.4 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 5.9
ø5/32 10-32 UNF KQ2W03-32□1 7 8.2 7.7 10 7 15.4 26.3 27.5 13.3 3 3 2.5 6
Applicable tube outer diameter (inches) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Note: øD2L1L2A M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
Nylon Urethane
ø1/8 10-32 UNF KQ2W01-32□ 7 7.1 7 15.3 25.8 26.4 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 5.9
ø5/32 10-32 UNF KQ2W03-32□ 7 8.2 7 15.4 26.3 27.5 13.3 3 3 2.5 6
ø1/4 10-32 UNF KQ2W07-32□ 7 11.1 7 15.4 27.6 30.2 13.3 3.5 3.5 2.5 6.4

□: A (Brass), N (Brass + electroless nickel plating)
Note: øD1 is the maximum diameter.

Connection thread: Uni

Applicable tube outer diameter (inches) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Release Button Dimensions øD2L1L2A *M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
X Y Nylon Urethane
ø1/8 1/8 KQ2W01-U01□1 11.11 7.1 6.7 9.5 10 14.5 31.5 30.3 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 14.5 -
1/4 KQ2W01-U02□1 14.29 7.1 6.7 9.5 10 14.5 30.8 28 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 26 -
ø5/32 1/8 KQ2W03-U01□1 11.11 8.2 7.7 10 10 14.8 31.1 30.4 13.3 4 4 3 14.6
1/4 KQ2W03-U02□1 14.29 8.2 7.7 10 10 14.8 31.3 29 13.3 4 4 3 26.2
ø3/16 1/8 KQ2W05-U01□1 11.11 9.1 8.4 11 10 15 31.6 31.3 13.3 6.8 5.6 3.5 14.8 -
1/4 KQ2W05-U02□1 14.29 9.1 8.4 11 10 15 31.8 30 13.3 6.8 5.6 3.5 26.4 -
Applicable tube outer diameter (mm) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Release Button Dimensions øD2L1L2A * M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
X Y Nylon Urethane
ø4 1/8 KQ2W04-U01□1 10 8.2 7.7 10 10 14.8 24.1 23.4 13.3 4 4 3 8.3
1/4 KQ2W04-U02□1 14 8.2 7.7 10 10 14.8 30.1 27.8 13.3 4 4 3 23.9
ø6 1/8 KQ2W06-U01□1 10 10.4 9.7 12 10 15.5 31.2 31.6 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 11.5 -
1/4 KQ2W06-U02□1 14 10.4 9.7 12 10 15.5 31.2 30 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 24.3 -
3/8 KQ2W06-U03□1 17 10.4 9.7 12 10 15.5 32.3 31.1 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 41 -
Applicable tube outer diameter (inches) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Note 1: øD2L1L2A * M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
Nylon Urethane
ø1/8 1/8 KQ2W01-U01□ 11.11 7.1 10 14.5 31.5 30.3 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 14.5 -
1/4 KQ2W01-U02□ 14.29 7.1 10 14.5 30.8 28 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 26 -
ø5/32 1/8 KQ2W03-U01□ 11.11 8.2 10 14.8 31.1 30.4 13.3 4 4 3 14.6
1/4 KQ2W03-U02□ 14.29 8.2 10 14.8 31.3 29 13.3 4 4 3 26.2
ø3/16 1/8 KQ2W05-U01□ 11.11 9.1 10 15 31.6 31.3 13.3 6.8 5.6 3.5 14.8 -
1/4 KQ2W05-U02□ 14.29 9.1 10 15 31.8 30 13.3 6.8 5.6 3.5 26.4 -
ø1/4 1/8 KQ2W07-U01□ 11.11 11.1 10 15.6 32.6 33.3 13.3 11.3 10 4.5 15.1
1/4 KQ2W07-U02□ 14.29 11.1 10 15.6 32.8 32 13.3 11.3 10 4.5 26.8
3/8 KQ2W07-U03□ 17.46 11.1 10 15.6 33.9 33.1 13.3 11.3 10 4.5 45.3
ø5/16 1/8 KQ2W09-U01□ 11.11 13.2 10 16.4 33.6 35.4 14.2 11.3 11.3 4.5 15.9
KQ2W09-U01□Q Note 2: 12.7 13.2 12 17.2 39.5 41.3 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 24.0
1/4 KQ2W09-U02□ 14.29 13.2 12 17.2 35.9 36.1 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 25.7
3/8 KQ2W09-U03□ 17.46 13.2 12 17.2 37 37.2 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 45.5
ø3/8 1/4 KQ2W11-U02□ 17.46 15.4 17 19.3 44.1 45.4 15.6 28.8 23.8 7.5 50.6
3/8 KQ2W11-U03□ 17.46 15.4 17 19.3 42.9 44.2 15.6 28.8 23.8 7.5 45
1/2 KQ2W11-U04□ 22.23 15.4 17 19.3 50.7 49.8 15.6 28.8 23.8 7.5 90.9
ø1/2 1/4 KQ2W13-U02□ 17.46 19.3 17 21.5 46 49.3 17 50.3 44.4 9 52.9 -
3/8 KQ2W13-U03□ 17.46 19.3 17 21.8 48.6 51.9 17 56 44.4 9.5 52.6 -
1/2 KQ2W13-U04□ 22.23 19.3 17 21.8 51.6 52.7 17 56 44.4 9.5 114.1 -
Applicable tube outer diameter (mm) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Note 1: øD2L1L2A * M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
Nylon Urethane
ø4 1/8 KQ2W04-U01□ 10 8.2 10 14.8 24.1 23.4 13.3 4 4 3 8.3
1/4 KQ2W04-U02□ 14 8.2 10 14.8 30.1 27.8 13.3 4 4 3 23.9
ø6 1/8 KQ2W06-U01□ 10 10.4 10 15.5 31.2 31.6 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 11.5 -
1/4 KQ2W06-U02□ 14 10.4 10 15.5 31.2 30 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 24.3 -
3/8 KQ2W06-U03□ 17 10.4 10 15.5 32.3 31.1 13.3 10.9 8.6 4.5 41 -
ø8 1/8 KQ2W08-U01□ 10 13.2 10 16.4 32.6 34.4 14.2 10.9 10.9 4.5 12.3
KQ2W08-U01□Q Note 2: 12 13.2 12 17.2 43.6 45.4 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 24.7
1/4 KQ2W08-U02□ 14 13.2 12 17.2 35.4 35.6 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 24.1
3/8 KQ2W08-U03□ 17 13.2 12 17.2 36.5 36.7 14.2 20.5 14.2 6 42.5
ø10 1/4 KQ2W10-U02□ 17 15.9 17 19.3 48.5 50.1 15.6 33.5 23.8 7.5 54.2
3/8 KQ2W10-U03□ 17 15.9 17 19.3 45.8 47.4 15.6 33.5 23.8 7.5 47
1/2 KQ2W10-U04□ 22 15.9 17 19.3 53.4 52.8 15.6 33.5 23.8 7.5 95.5
ø12 1/4 KQ2W12-U02□ 17 18.5 17 21.5 49.8 52.7 17 47.7 37.7 9 55.9
3/8 KQ2W12-U03□ 17 18.5 17 21.5 47.1 50 17 47.7 37.7 9 48.9
1/2 KQ2W12-U04□ 22 18.5 17 21.5 54.7 55.4 17 47.7 37.7 9 97.4

□: A (Brass), N (Brass + electroless nickel plating)
Note: øD1 is the maximum diameter.
* (A): Reference dimensions after screwing-in Uni thread

Connection thread: M

Applicable tube outer diameter (mm) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Release Button Dimensions øD2L1L2A M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
X Y Nylon Urethane
ø3.2 M3 ×; 0.5 KQ2W23-M3G1 7 7.1 6.7 9.5 7 15.3 22.5 23.4 13.3 0.8 0.8 1.2 4.8
M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W23-M5□1 7 7.1 6.7 9.5 7 15.3 25.2 25.7 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 5.8
ø4 M3 ×; 0.5 KQ2W04-M3G1 7 8.2 7.7 10 7 15.4 23 24.5 13.3 0.8 0.8 1.2 4.9
M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W04-M5□1 7 8.2 7.7 10 7 15.4 25.7 26.8 13.3 3 3 2.5 5.8
ø6 M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W06-M5□1 7 10.4 9.7 12 7 14.5 27.4 29.6 13.3 3 3 2.5 5.9
Applicable tube outer diameter (mm) Connection thread
Model H
(width across flats)
øD1Note 1: øD2L1L2A * M Effective area (mm2) Minimum hole diameter Weight
Nylon Urethane
ø2 M3 ×; 0.5 KQ2W02-M3G 5.5 5.8 5.5 12.6 18.8 19.1 11.9 - 0.8 1.2 2.6
M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W02-M5□ 7 5.8 5.5 12.6 19.3 19.2 11.9 - 0.8 1.2 4.6
ø3.2 M3 ×; 0.5 KQ2W23-M3G 7 7.1 7 15.3 22.5 23.4 13.3 0.8 0.8 1.2 4.8
M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W23-M5□ 7 7.1 7 15.3 25.2 25.7 13.3 2.8 2.4 2.5 5.8
ø4 M3 ×; 0.5 KQ2W04-M3G 7 8.2 7 15.4 23 24.5 13.3 0.8 0.8 1.2 4.9
M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W04-M5□ 7 8.2 7 15.4 25.7 26.8 13.3 3 3 2.5 5.8
ø6 M5 ×; 0.8 KQ2W06-M5□ 7 10.4 7 14.5 27.4 29.6 13.3 3 3 2.5 5.9

□: A (Brass), N (Brass + electroless nickel plating)
Note: øD1 is the maximum diameter.

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Materiale corpo principale Applicazione Materiale filettatura Temperatura di esercizio
D.E.1 tubo applicabile
Connection Type Connection screw Number of Connection Tubes
Colore Profilo pulsante di rilascio Colore pulsante di rilascio Specifiche personalizzate

8.09 €

10 6 giorni [EN 1.4305 Equiv. , EN 1.4301 Equiv.] PBT + EN 1.4305 Equiv.Ambiente pulito[EN 1.4305 Equiv. , EN 1.4301 Equiv.] EN 1.4305 Equiv.-5~ 60--------

4.71 €

10 26 giorni [EN 1.4305 Equiv. , EN 1.4301 Equiv.] PBT + EN 1.4305 Equiv.Standard/Mini[EN 1.4305 Equiv. , EN 1.4301 Equiv.] EN 1.4305 Equiv.-5~ 60--------


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo Ad azione singola/filettatura Tipo raccordo Direzione di montaggio a vite Liquido applicabile Acqua / Aria
Materiale guarnizione EPDM (rivestimento in fluoro) Montaggio a vite, direzione Gomito Gomiti Gomito triplo universale

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