LQ1T, raccordo in resina fluoropolimerica gran purezza, collegamento a tubo, intermedio a T (LQ1T5A5B)

LQ1T, raccordo in resina fluoropolimerica gran purezza, collegamento a tubo, intermedio a T LQ1T5A5B
  • In Offerta

Dettagli del prodotto:

Codice articolo del costruttore: LQ1T5A5B

Marca: SMC

Prezzo: 117.23

Tempi di consegna: 26 giorni

Dati Tecnici:

Tipo di collegamento: Pipe⇔Pipe, different diameters connection

Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. uguale: -

Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. diverso: Reducing Union Tee

D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D (D1): 3/4

D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D2: 1/2


  • Refer to the catalog for product specifications.
  • Product images may be representative images. Refer to the catalog for details.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato


Fluoropolymer Piping Equipment Union Tee LQ1T Inch Size Specifications

Union Tee LQ1T External Appearance

Union Tee LQ1T External Appearance

Union Tee LQ1T dimensional drawing

Union Tee LQ1T dimensional drawing

Dimensional drawing for size 1

Dimensional drawing for size 1

Dimensional drawing for sizes 2 to 5

Dimensional drawing for sizes 2 to 5

Dimensional drawing for size 6

Dimensional drawing for size 6

Model Applicable tube outer diameter B E F G H L M Minimum hole diameter
LQ1T1A 1/8 "2 10 4 8 - 18.5 11.5 1.8
LQ1T2A□□ 1/4 "4 15 6 12 14 28 16.5 3.6
LQ1T2B□□ 3/16 "2.9
LQ1T2C□□ 1/8 "1.8
LQ1T3A□□ 3/8 "5 20 9 18 17 36.5 23 5.8
LQ1T3B□□ 1/4 "3.6
LQ1T4A□□ 1/2 "6 24 9 18 21 43 28 9
LQ1T4B□□ 3/8 "5.8
LQ1T5A□□ 3/4 "7 29 14 28 26 54 39 15
LQ1T5B□□ 1/2 "9
LQ1T6A□□ 1 "8 39.5 18 36 36 69.5 49 21.2
LQ1T6B□□ 3/4 "15

*(E): Shows the approximate dimension of the inserted tubing from the end of the nut.
Units for dimensions other than applicable tube outer diameter: mm


Item Model
LQ1□10 LQ1□20 LQ1□30 LQ1□40 LQ1□50 LQ1□60
Material New PFA Note:
Maximum operating pressure (at 20°C) 1.0 MPa
Withstand pressure Refer to the withstand pressure and heat resistance performance curves.
Operating temperature 0 to 200℃

Note: For made-to-order products, the main body of the fitting is made of PTFE.

Withstand pressure and heat resistance performance

Union Tee LQ1T withstand pressure and heat resistance performance

Union Tee LQ1T withstand pressure and heat resistance performance

Type of line

  • Thick line: 1/8 "· 3/16 "· 1/4 "Tube
  • Thin line: 1/2 "Tube
  • Thick dotted line: 3/8 "Tube
  • Thin dotted line: 3/4 "· 1 "Tube

Notes For Tubing

Using the dedicated tube connecting tool (example)

Using the dedicated tube connecting tool (example)

1. Use the dedicated tool for connecting tubes.

Body size Torque (N·m)
2 0.3 to 0.4
3 0.8 to 1.0
4 1.0 to 1.2
5 2.5 to 3.0
6 5.5 to 6.0

Note: For body size 1, tighten by hand.

2. Tighten the nut as far as the end surface of the main body. In order to confirm that it has properly reached the end surface of the main body, tighten by a further 1/8th (approx.) of a turn.
You will know that you have sufficiently tightened the nut if it will turn no further past this point. Be sure to also refer to the appropriate tightening torques shown to the left for when tubing/piping.

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Tipo di collegamento Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. uguale Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. diverso D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D (D1) D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D2 Packaging Size of Body

117.23 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, different diameters connection-Reducing Union Tee3/41/2Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente5


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo Fitting Body Materiale corpo principale PFA Max. temperatura d'esercizio(°C) 200

Si trova sulla pagina di LQ1T, raccordo in resina fluoropolimerica gran purezza, collegamento a tubo, intermedio a T, il codice articolo è il seguente: LQ1T5A5B.
Ulteriori dettagli concernenti specifiche e dimensioni si trovano sotto il codice prodotto LQ1T5A5B.

Tipologia prodotto

Codice componente
Codice componentePrezzo unitario standardQuantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevatiGiorni
spedizione standard
Tipo di collegamento Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. uguale Raccordo tubo-tubo con diam. diverso D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D (D1) D.E. tubo applicabile (pollici) D2 Packaging Size of Body

36.24 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, same diameters connectionUnion Tees---Confezionamento standard equivalente alla classe M5.52

36.60 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, different diameters connection-Reducing Union Tee-1/8Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente2

55.31 €

1 Stesso giorno


Pipe⇔Pipe, same diameters connectionUnion Tees-3/8-Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente3

117.23 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, same diameters connectionUnion Tees-1/2-Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente5

117.23 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, different diameters connection-Reducing Union Tee1/23/4Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente5

249.13 €

1 26 giorni Pipe⇔Pipe, same diameters connectionUnion Tees-1-Confezionamento sterile classe M3.5 Equivalente6

Supporto tecnico