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Quantità | 1 - 4 | 5 - 24 | 25 - 100 | 101+ |
Prezzo unitario (IVA esclusa) (Prezzo unitario IVA inclusa) | 27.70 € (32.96 €) | 23.08 € (27.47 €) | 21.31 € (25.36 €) | 21.31 € (25.36 €) |
Stainless Steel-Latches GN 115 lock by a turning operation limited to 90° which moves the locking behind the door frame. The bevels of the locking ease the closing of the door.
Latches with different cranks cover a range A from 6 to 50 mm.
The operating bolt is fitted with an O-ring for sealing.
Stainless Steel-Latches GN 115 are supplied with loosely enclosed locking.