Elettrovalvola a 5 porte, a innesto, base in metallo serie SY3000 / 5000 / 7000, valvola montata su base

Elettrovalvola a 5 porte, a innesto, base in metallo serie SY3000 / 5000 / 7000, valvola montata su base
SMC Solenoid Valve.
· Possible to mount a combination of 3-port and 5-port valves.
· Power consumption: 0.1 W (with power saving circuit).
· Many manifold variations possible including an aluminum integrated manifold, DIN rail, dividing type manifold.
· Manifold types: SS5Y3, SS5Y5, SS5Y7, SS5Y9.


  • Le immagini dei prodotti possono essere rappresentative. Fare riferimento al catalogo del produttore per i dettagli.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

5-Port Solenoid Valve, Plug-In, Metal Base SY3000/SY5000/SY7000 Series Valve, Base Mounted Type Specifications

Manifold assembly notation (ordering example), notation example (for SS5Y3-50F2-□)

Manifold assembly notation (ordering example), notation example (for SS5Y3-50F2-□)

Ordering example

  • SS5Y3-50F2-05D-C6: 1 set (50-type 5-station manifold base part number)
  • SY3100-5U1: 3 set (2-position single part number)
  • SY3200-5U1: 1 set (2-position double part number)
  • SY3300-5U1: 1 set (3-position closed center part number)
  • *The valve sequence is numbered starting from the 1st station on the D side. See manifold specifications when using complex configurations.
  • *When installing a top ported type valve, do so only after confirming the catalog. When doing so, be aware that there will also be output from the A and B ports on the base side in this configuration. See manifold specifications when plugs, etc., are required for the A and B ports on the base side.
  • *This product includes the valve unit only. The manifold base, etc., is not included.


No mark: Non-locking push type external appearance

No mark: Non-locking push type external appearance

D: Push-turn locking slotted type external appearance

D: Push-turn locking slotted type external appearance

E: Push-turn locking lever type external appearance

E: Push-turn locking lever type external appearance

F: Sliding lock type external appearance

F: Sliding lock type external appearance

Switching Method

1 2 Position Single
2 Double
3 3 Position Closed Center
4 Exhaust Center
5 Pressure Center
A* 4-position, dual 3-port N.C./N.C.
B* N.O./N.O.
C* N.C./N.O.

*The 4-position dual 3-port valve only comes with a rubber seal.

Pilot valve option

No Symbol Standard (0.7 MPa)
B Quick response (0.7 MPa)
K* High-pressure (1.0 MPa)

*The high-pressure type only comes with a metal seal.

Indicator Light / Surge Voltage Suppressor and Common Specifications

Symbol With light Surge voltage
Protection circuit
Common specifications
No Symbol - - Non-polar
R -
S - Positive common
NS - Negative common

*Energy-saving circuit types are Z and NZ.

Mounting screw type

No Symbol Small cross-head/straight-slot combination pan head screw
B Hexagon Socket Head Bolt
K Small cross-head/straight-slot combination pan head screw (fall-prevention type screw)
H Hex socket head cap screw (fall-prevention type screw)
  • *K and H have a fall-prevention structure in the valve body cover to prevent loss of mounting screws when the valve is removed for maintenance, etc.
  • *The base gasket is not included when the valve is ordered as a single unit. The base gasket is included with the manifold side. If a base gasket is required for maintenance, please order one separately. See the manufacturer's catalog for base gasket and mounting screw part numbers.
  • *B and H cannot be selected when using the standalone SUP, EXH spacer assembly, spacer type pressure reducing valve and perfect spacer assembly with residual pressure valve.

*See the manufacturer's catalog for information other than that above.

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Caratteristiche A commutazione Stato allo spegnimento Diam. cilindro applicabile
Con tenuta Pressione nominale
Manuale Funzioni

88.39 €

1 4 giorni Standard / Antigocciolamento / Senza lubrificazione2 posizioni, scaricoRitegno automatico80 o inf.Guarnizione morbida0.1–0.7Senza blocco, a pressioneStandard (0.7MPa)

101.79 €

1 12 giorni Antigocciolamento / Senza lubrificazione2 posizioni, scaricoRitegno automatico125 o inf.Standard0.1–1.0Senza blocco, a pressioneAlta pressione (1.0MPa)


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo Elettrovalvole Applicazione Unità di montaggio collettore Numero di attacchi Valvola a 5 porte
Metodo di installazione Base collettore Numero di solenoidi Tipo doppio Tensione 24 V DC
Tubazioni Tubatura sottobase Tipo di azionamento Stelo pilota Mandata aria pilota Circuito
Specifiche bobina Standard Spia / circuito di protezione Con spia e circuito di protezione Valvola di controllo contropressione Senza
Specifiche comuni Senza polarizzazione Vite di fissaggio Vite a testa cilindrica a croce piccola

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