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Quantità | 1 - 2 | 3 - 99 | 100+ |
Prezzo unitario (IVA esclusa) (Prezzo unitario IVA inclusa) | 18.74 € (22.30 €) | 18.74 € (22.30 €) | 14.05 € (16.72 €) |
The shrinkage ratio is high at 3:1, contributing to a reduction in the number of parts. · Includes a compact box that dust does not easily infiltrate and that is convenient for storage.
The shrinkage ratio is high at 3:1, contributing to a reduction in the number of parts.
For example, to cover a range of 1 mm - 20 mm 10 sizes must be available for 2:1 Heat-shrinkable tubing, but with HIS-3 only 5 sizes are needed.
· Includes a compact box that dust does not easily infiltrate and that is convenient for storage