Brugola lunga con sfera

Brugola lunga con sfera

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Allen wrenches are nickel chrome plated, providing rust resistance and long life.
· Manufacturing error in all L-shaped wrenches is no more than the thickness of a hair regardless of the size.
· A precision tool with excellent durability is created by adoption of this second to none dimension accuracy and tough special alloy.
· Hex bar wrenches: Chrome plated specification and powder coating types are available.
· Select with or without ball point for long and short products alike: we guarantee you'll find what you want.
· Machinery, metal products, automotive industry, etc.
· Sizes are from 0.71 up to 22 mm.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Dimensione larghezza di chiave
Lunghezza complessiva (dimensione L)
Lunghezza sottocollo chiave barra esagonale (dimensione H), solo profilo a L
Vite a testa cilindrica compatibile Vite di fermo compatibile

12.76 €

1 10 giorni 1.58014M1.6-2M3

14.27 €

1 10 giorni 1.277012M1.4M2.5

12.81 €

1 10 giorni 29016M2.5M4

13.41 €

1 10 giorni 2.511018M3M5

14.27 €

1 10 giorni 312520M4M6

12.84 €

1 10 giorni 415022M5M8

15.71 €

1 10 giorni 516525M6M10

18.69 €

1 10 giorni 618528M8M12-14

24.91 €

1 10 giorni 820032M10M16

33.57 €

1 6 giorni 1022036M12M18-20

41.61 €

1 10 giorni 1224040M14M22

56.85 €

1 6 giorni 1426545M16-18-

80.71 €

1 10 giorni 1729050M20-22-

102.74 €

1 10 giorni 1932056M24-27-


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Tipo Chiave esagonale profilo a L Tipo di punta Tipo a sfera Classificazione singolo prodotto/set Articolo singolo
Nota * Final tightening cannot be performed with the ball point part. Caratteristiche The handle length of this Allen wrench complies with the Swiss VSM Standard, making it more user-friendly than regular ones. The edge is lightly corner-cut, allowing the wrench to be easily inserted into a screw hole. The wrench has a 5-digit production number, which allows referencing everything back through the manufacturing process of the raw material. It has the high hardness of HRC59 and is tough, providing excellent friction resistance and endurance, and allowing high torque to be applied. The precisely manufactured ball points can turn a screw where it is angled. (Allows oblique angles of up to 30°)

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