Portamaschi Mega Synchro (gambo BBT)

Portamaschi Mega Synchro (gambo BBT)
· Thrust load caused by synchronization error is reduced to 1/10 to improve thread precision and tap longevity.
· In addition to various tap sizes, the long tap holder is standardized.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Spindle types Holder Length L
Tapping Ability: d-meters Tapping Ability: d-unify Tapping Ability: For d-pipe L1
Big Plus BT NO. L2
Compatible Tap Holder Type

287.00 €

1 9 giorni BT50120/160/19016M6~M12No.3~U1/4P1/890363900BBT5030/70/100MGT 6-d- 30/MGT 6-d- 70/MGT 6-d-100

298.00 €

1 9 giorni BT50120/160/19020M6~M12U1/4~U7/16P1/890414000BBT5030/70/100MGT12-d- 30/MGT12-d- 70/MGT12-d-100

318.00 €

1 9 giorni BT50140/190/22030M12~M20U1/2~U3/4P1/4~P3/8105544400BBT5035/85/115MGT20-d- 35/MGT20-d- 85/MGT20-d-115


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Product Category Corpo principale Applicable Manufacturing Machinery (main unit) Centri di lavorazione Tool Type Maschiatura
Coolant System Centro passante (Lama passante) Features Thrust load caused by synchro error is reduced to 1/10, to improve thread precision and tap longevity. As well as all tap sizes, a long tap holder is now standard.

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