Portamaschi Mega Synchro (gambo BBT) (Codici componente)

Portamaschi Mega Synchro (gambo BBT)
· Thrust load caused by synchronization error is reduced to 1/10 to improve thread precision and tap longevity.
· In addition to various tap sizes, the long tap holder is standardized.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato


Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Tapping Ability: d-unify φd
Compatible Tap Holder Type

298.00 €

1 9 giorni 20U1/4~U7/16414000MGT12-d- 30/MGT12-d- 70/MGT12-d-100


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Product Category Corpo principale Applicable Manufacturing Machinery (main unit) Centri di lavorazione Spindle types BT50
Tool Type Maschiatura Holder Length L(mm) 120/160/190 Coolant System Centro passante (Lama passante)
Tapping Ability: d-meters M6~M12 Tapping Ability: For d-pipe P1/8 L1(mm) 90
Big Plus BT NO. BBT50 L2(mm) 30/70/100 Features Thrust load caused by synchro error is reduced to 1/10, to improve thread precision and tap longevity. As well as all tap sizes, a long tap holder is now standard.

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