Mandrino di foratura senza chiave a elevato grado di precisione (oro)

Mandrino di foratura senza chiave a elevato grado di precisione (oro)
· The world's No. 1 accuracy : The ultra-precision class is finished to unparalleled precision by assembling world-class technologies.
· Runout accuracy (total indicator reading, TIR): 30 μ or less.
· Used test bar: Maximum gripping diameter and radius.
· It demonstrates fully sufficient power for high precision machining, such as tooling of machining centers and jig borers, etc.
· Handle not required: Because a large number of thrust balls are used on the inside, no tools such as handles are required, meaning that attachment and removal of cutting tools can be performed easily with the fingertips.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato


Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Retainable blade diameter
Holder Length L
Jacobs taper Mass

146.47 €

1 10 giorni 0.3~3444844JT.NO.1 (The taper has a special mouth diameter. Please contact us for details.)10524


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Informazioni di base

Product Category Corpo principale Specifications High Precision Grade (Gold) Runout accuracy(μm) 30 or Less

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