Spark Screen "Papillon" (JIS A 1323 Class A / Class C Accepted Products) (YS-PAP1818-BW)

Spark Screen "Papillon" (JIS A 1323 Class A / Class C Accepted Products) YS-PAP1818-BW

Dettagli del prodotto:

Codice articolo del costruttore: YS-PAP1818-BW


Prezzo: 910.83

Tempi di consegna: 10 giorni

Dati Tecnici:

Thickness: 1.0 mm

JAN Code: 4571163734072

Trusco Code: 447-9378

Specifications: JIS A 1323 Type A Passed Product No.03A0188

Mass: 12300 g

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato


Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
JAN Code Trusco Code Specifications Mass

910.83 €

1 10 giorni 1.04571163734072447-9378JIS A 1323 Type A Passed Product No.03A018812300


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Product Type Schermo protettivo da scintille Color Grigio argento Foot shape Tipo su rotelle
Width(mm) 1800 Height(mm) 1,800 x 2 sheets Material Frame: Aluminum Sheet: Flame-Resistant Fiber Fabric (Flame retardant silicon machining)
Frame Diameter(mm) 28 Width When Folded for Storing(mm) 65 Application To prevent diffusion of sparks scattered by welding, polishing, etc. Can be used easily in factories without a welding booth or when a temporary booth is needed.
Features It is a butterfly-like shaped screen, hinge type and the angle can be adjusted freely (0° to 140°), no tools are necessary. Sheet attachment is easy with Velcro tape.

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