Stylus M4 Silicon Nitride Ball, Carbon Fiber Stem

Stylus M4 Silicon Nitride Ball, Carbon Fiber Stem
Straight styli are used to detect easily reachable features on the measured surface.
Silicon nitride is extremely hard and superbly wearresistant, with the least surface roughness
of all ball materials, which makes it highly applicable for most scan applications.
Silicon nitride does not attract aluminium particles when scanning aluminium workpiece surfaces.
Carbon fibre, the very lightweight and extremely stiff high quality material, with a thermal expansion coefficient close to zero,
is particularly suitable for the manufacture and application of long styli and extensions.
The scanning of abrassive surfaces, like cast iron, is not recommended due to agressive wear.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componenteRelativo a
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Description protocol system ITP Code No. Renishaw Code No. Massa
Lunghezza effettiva

230.92 €

1 60 giorni 01-M4-SiNi6-L50-ML38,5-SCFC4,4-BS7TC M4 S60 07 053A-5003-57304,138,5

249.87 €

1 60 giorni 01-M4-SiNi6-L100-ML88,5-SCFC4,4-BS7TC M4 S60 07 103A-5003-57316,288,5


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Informazioni di base

Product Type Prodotti correlati alle apparecchiature per dati Ball Grade DIN 5401 Grado 5 Ball Material Silicon nitride
Diametro sfera(mm) 6 Base Diametro(mm) 7 Materiale base Acciaio inossidabile
Shaft stem material Carbon fibre Thread M4 Tool Bore Diametro(mm) 2

Supporto tecnico