Extension M2, Ceramic

Extension M2, Ceramic
Extensions are required when the measurement location cannot be accessed with the stylus alone, for e.g. to reach features in bores and hard to access areas on the workpiece. The very lightweight and extremely stiff character of ceramic materials and its low thermal expansion, makes it the ideal material, especially for long stems and extensions. The brittle characteristic can protect probes from the effects of crash.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componenteRelativo a
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Materiale base Description protocol system ITP Code No. Qmark Code No. Renishaw Code No. Shaft stem material Tool Bore Diametro

81.32 €

1 5 giorni Acciaio inossidabile06-M2-L30-SCER3-BS3VK M2 000 03 030VM2-30-C A-5003-0070Ceramica1,30,99

84.74 €

1 5 giorni Acciaio inossidabile06-M2-L40-SCER3-BS3VK M2 000 03 040VM2-40-CA-5003-0071Ceramica1,31,26

88.16 €

1 5 giorni Acciaio inossidabile06-M2-L60-SCER3-BS3VK M2 000 03 050VM2-50-C A-5003-0072Ceramica1,31,54

102.63 €

1 5 giorni Acciaio inossidabile06-M2-L90-SCER3-BS3VK M2 000 03 060--Ceramica1,31,82

80.53 €

1 60 giorni -06-M2-L20-SCER3-BS3-----1,57


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Informazioni di base

Product Type Prodotti correlati alle apparecchiature per dati Thread M2

Supporto tecnico