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?* Informazioni su tempi di consegna e prezzi
Brand-name products provided by MISUMI-VONA are offered based on customers' needs who carefully selects products of remarkably growing Asian manufacturers. Please select an item according to the user's various usage scenes. TMEH Company is a leading mechanical parts manufacturer in Malaysia. After the establishment in 2002, the company has extended its share globally from Southeast Asia. A separate Japanese entity has been formed to constantly acknowledge Japanese manufacturers.
A partire da∗ : |
7.67 €
| Prezzo speciale |
Consegna da : |
Stesso giorno
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base
Brand-name products provided by MISUMI-VONA are offered based on customers' needs who carefully selects products of remarkably growing Asian manufacturers. Please select an item according to the user's various usage scenes. TMEH Company is a leading mechanical parts manufacturer in Malaysia. After the establishment in 2002, the company has extended its share globally from Southeast Asia. A separate Japanese entity has been formed to constantly acknowledge Japanese manufacturers.
A partire da∗ : |
2.82 €
Consegna da : |
6 giorni
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base
Brand-name products provided by MISUMI-VONA are offered based on customers' needs who carefully selects products of remarkably growing Asian manufacturers. Please select an item according to the user's various usage scenes. TMEH Company is a leading mechanical parts manufacturer in Malaysia. After the establishment in 2002, the company has extended its share globally from Southeast Asia. A separate Japanese entity has been formed to constantly acknowledge Japanese manufacturers.
A partire da∗ : |
4.15 €
Consegna da : |
7 giorni
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base
Marchio |
Serie prodotto |
A partire da∗ |
Consegna da : |
Tipo giunto
Tipo angolare
Con giunto centrale
Metodo di montaggio
Ambiente d'esercizio
Trattamento superficie
Diam. tubo applicabile D2(Φ),(profilo quadrato)
Marchio | TMEH | TMEH | TMEH |
Serie prodotto | Kit giunti in metallo GA-2S | Giunto in plastica GAP-02B | Giunto in plastica GAP-45B |
A partire da∗ |
7.67 €
Prezzo speciale
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base In Offerta
Sconto volumi elevati |
2.82 €
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base Sconto volumi elevati |
4.15 €
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base Sconto volumi elevati |
Consegna da : |
Stesso giorno
6 giorni
7 giorni
Tipo | Giunto in metallo | Giunto in plastica | Giunto in plastica |
Tipo giunto | Centrale/angolare | Centrale/angolare | Centrale/angolare |
Tipo angolare | - | - | - |
Centrale/angolare | A L (passante unidirezionale) | A L (passante unidirezionale) | A L (passante unidirezionale) |
Con giunto centrale | - | - | - |
Accessorio | - | - | - |
Metodo di montaggio | Con fissaggio a vite | A innesto | A innesto |
Ambiente d'esercizio | Tipo antistatico | - | - |
Materiale | Acciaio | Resina | Resina |
Trattamento superficie | Rivestimento applicato per cataforesi / Nichelatura / Cromatura / Verniciatura a spruzzo e a forno | - | - |
Diam. tubo applicabile D2(Φ),(profilo quadrato) | 28 | 28 | 28 |