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?* Informazioni su tempi di consegna e prezzi
Hardened shaft, recommended for use with outer diameter tolerance (k5, m5, n5 or p5).
· KS/BS type incorporates a large number steel balls precision made to JIS B 1501 (sphericity, diameter variation: 0.0005 mm) in lightweight and highly rigid cage.
· The balls are spirally arranged around the circumference of the ball cage and designed so that the tracks of the balls do not overlap. This ensures that the balls will not wear for long period and that high accuracy can be obtained over a long life.
· Also, because the ball pocket portions holding the balls are finished to a high standard and the balls are prevented from falling out by a unique continuous caulking method, smooth movement can be obtained even if the ball cage is used for longer than the housing.
· Suitable for application in precision press die sets, textile machines, precision measuring instruments, automatic recording devices, medical equipment, machine tools of various types, etc.
Dati CAD disponibili in formato 2D
A partire da∗ : |
23.93 €
| Prezzo speciale |
Consegna da : |
Stesso giorno
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base
Hardened shaft, recommended for use with outer diameter tolerance (k5, m5, n5 or p5).
· The MST type is configured from an ST shaft, ball cage, and outer cylinder, and these can be freely combined according to the specification.
· Due to small cross-sectional area and minimal gap, it can be used in various small precision measuring instruments, including as the spindle of optical measuring instruments, and in pen plotters, office automation equipment, computer terminal equipment, automatic measuring scales, digital measuring devices, solenoid valve etc.
· High accuracy shaft bearing: Incorporates steel balls precision-manufactured to JISB1501 (sphericity, diameter variation: 0.0003 mm) in copper alloy ball cage.
Dati CAD disponibili in formato 2D / 3D
A partire da∗ : |
24.84 €
Consegna da : |
5 giorni
*Prezzo unitario in configurazione base
Marchio |
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A partire da∗ |
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